Tuesday, 19 February 2013

The Myth Of Local Fat Burning

Contrary to what the advertising says, the local fat burning impossible. Fat is burned throughout the body - but the way this works is determined by genetics, sex (hormones), and age. To reduce the amount of fat in a specific area of the body, reduce the total amount in the body.

Although fat is burned or deposited throughout the body, it would seem that the place where he goes to the last or where deposited in the first place is the stomach (in men and some women), and the buttocks and thighs (in women and few men). Climbs the trunk, twisting, climbing pelvis, leg raises, hip adduction, hip abduction, etc. only train the appropriate muscles beneath the fat.

By the way, fat is also delayed and under the muscle of the abdominal cavity and around the intestines and other organs. This can lead to the so-called "belly", i.e. when the abdominal muscles and fat located above them, pushed ahead. This "apple-shaped" distribution of body fat is more harmful to health than "pear-shaped" distribution of fat in the lower body.

The myth of the lower abdominal muscles to widely spread myth that the lower abdominal muscles can work out leg raises and other exercises on the hip flexors, objectively about the mechanics of a particular exercise, based on the subjective feelings of muscle fatigue in a particular area of the body, it is impossible.


  1. Was this translated from another language? Sweet Jesus it is hard to read!

  2. Same here...at a point, I was wondering if it was English I was reading. ..loll
